Nude Tuesday Movie streaming platforms

Lost in Liberation: A Couples' Retreat Journey

Comedy,Drama,Romance  New Zealand,Australia 

Nude Tuesday is a romantic comedy directed by Emmy award-winning filmmaker Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Aric Avelino, and written by first-time screenplay writer Leonard L. Richardson. The film stars actors Laura Valdivia and Bruno Bardi as Laura and Bruno respectively.

Laura and Bruno, a middle-aged couple from the suburbs, have lost their connection and passion for each other. They have tried counseling and communication workshops to no avail. On their anniversary, they are gifted a retreat designed to help couples reconnect and reignite their passion for each other.

The retreat is an idyllic sanctuary nestled in the mountains, far away from their everyday lives. When the couple arrives, they are greeted by the charismatic guru Bjorg Rassmussen who believes in the power of laughter workshops, tantric dance, sexual liberation, and emotional animal therapy.

Laura and Bruno initially feel uncomfortable with the activities, but as they open themselves up to new experiences, they start to feel a spark of life in their marriage once again. However, as they become more comfortable with themselves and each other, they are presented with new temptations that test their commitment to their marriage.

As the couple navigates the ups and downs of the retreat, they are forced to confront their fears and insecurities, and to re-examine what they truly want in life. Laura's desire for emotional connection and Bruno's desire for physical pleasure are put to the test, and they must decide whether to stay together or part ways for good.

Nude Tuesday is a comedic exploration of love, sex, and marriage that is both risqué and heartfelt. It challenges the notion of what it means to be in a committed relationship and offers a fresh perspective on how to keep passion alive in the bedroom and beyond.


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