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Muscles of Desire: Chasing Olympia's Dream

Drama  Germany,Hungary 

Edina, a dedicated and determined female bodybuilder, is intensely focused on achieving her ultimate dream of winning the prestigious Miss Olympia competition. She is fully committed to sacrificing everything in pursuit of this goal, including her personal relationships and social life. Adam, her partner and trainer, shares the same dream and supports her unwaveringly, even if it means pushing Edina beyond her physical and mental limits.

As Edina trains rigorously and imposes extreme discipline upon herself, she comes across an unexpected and unusual love interest. This individual challenges Edina's perspective on life, love, and her true self. This encounter forces her to confront the harsh reality that her dreams and passions may be diverging from her authentic desires.

During her journey towards the Miss Olympia competition, Edina faces various setbacks and obstacles. She battles with her own insecurities, societal judgments, and the competitive nature of the bodybuilding industry. Through it all, she remains determined to prove herself, not only to others but also to herself.

However, as Edina becomes entangled in a complex love affair, she starts to question her own motivations and the sacrifices she has made. She begins to question if winning the Miss Olympia competition, considered the pinnacle of success for a female bodybuilder, is truly where her happiness lies. The person she falls in love with challenges her priorities and forces her to reevaluate what truly matters to her.

In the climax of the movie, Edina is faced with a crucial decision: to continue on her path towards the Miss Olympia competition, or to choose a different, more fulfilling path that aligns with her newfound understanding of herself.

Gentle portrays Edina's intense dedication to pursuing her dreams, the sacrifices she makes along the way, and the transformative power of love and self-discovery. Through the film's exploration of Edina's personal journey, it raises thought-provoking questions about the nature of success, authenticity, and the true fulfillment of dreams.

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