Free A Beautiful Curse Movie streaming

The Sleeper's Love Affliction

Fantasy,Drama  Denmark,France 

A Beautiful Curse follows the story of a young woman named Lily, who lives on an island that has been cursed with a sleeping phenomenon. The curse causes all the inhabitants of the island to fall into a deep sleep every night, and they can only awaken when the sun rises the next morning.

Lily has lived on the island her entire life, and she has learned to adapt to the curse. She spends her days gathering food and supplies for her family, and her nights sleeping with the rest of the islanders.

However, Lily's life changes when a mysterious visitor arrives on the island. The visitor is a man named Jack, who is on a quest to discover the source of the curse and find a way to break it.

Jack and Lily meet and fall in love, but their relationship is threatened by the danger that comes with breaking the curse. As they work together to unravel the mystery of the curse, they uncover a dark secret that puts Lily's life in danger.

Ultimately, Jack must decide if he is willing to risk everything to save Lily and break the curse, or if he'll have to leave the island and never look back. A Beautiful Curse is a romantic and thrilling adventure that explores the power of love and the danger of dark magic.

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